Cialis and Dapoxetine

Maybe you have tried this combination before and maybe you have not. In a any case, if you are wondering whether it is safe to use – not only is it safe, but it is also considered an extremely powerful combination which can take you sky-high. In fact, it has become an approved drug and its name is actually Cialis with Dapoxetine.

Most of you know that Cialis is used in the treatment of erectile or sexual dysfunction of men, which is a condition when a man cannot get erection. Dapoxetine, on the other hand, treats another kind of condition which is premature ejaculation. This can be really frustrating for both the man and his partner for sometimes it can take no longer than two minutes from the moment of penetration for a man to ejaculate. Anyway, imagine what effects these two drugs can produce when combined together.

However, in order to use this drug you have to make sure that you really suffer from a sexual dysfunction or premature ejaculation. There are some cases when it is only temporary or due to psychological factors like work related stress. In that case, you do not need any medications and all and in case you still take some, they will probably not be of much help to you.

Anyway, once you and your doctor have established that you do suffer from these conditions, it is time for you to get started with your treatment. Of course, Cialis with Dapoxetine comes in pills and it is taken orally once a day with a glass of water. Food will not affect it, so it does not matter whether you take the dug with or without it. The usual recommendation is to take your pill 30-60 minutes before sex. Since this is not a medication that cures the conditions but only temporarily disables the conditions they occur in, it is not necessary that you take the drug on a daily basis. However, do not take more than the doctor prescribed to you for you might cause some side-effects to occur.

Speaking about the side-effects, Cialis with Dapoxetine has some also, just like any other medicine. Some of them, which are very rare, might need swift medical help. These are usually some allergic reactions like itching or skin rash, heavy breathing or irregular heartbeat. However, it is not very likely for them to occur. A bit more common ones are also less serious and these include headache, flushing, upset stomach or stuffy nose. Anyway, if you follow the prescription from your doctor, the chances that some these might happen to you are extremely low.

To sum up, Cialis with Dapoxetine is a truly strong medication. However, in order for you to enjoy it, you will first have to be sure that you really suffer from some sexual dysfunction. Otherwise, it will be of no use to you. So consult your doctor, get your own prescription for Cialis with Dapoxetine and you will be extremely thankful for the following experiences that are about to happen.