Study Shows Cialis Improves Couple Satisfaction

Study Shows Cialis Improves Couple SatisfactionMillions of couples will vouch that Cialis improves their sex lives – but now there is a study to back it up. In a study by the European Urology Association, patients given a PDE5 inhibitor reported increased satisfaction during sex. What is remarkable about the study is that both the men and their female counterparts reported having greater satisfaction during sex.

It seems obvious that a pill for erectile dysfunction would help couples enjoy sex better. First off, many couples would not even be able to have sex at all because without Cialis because of chronic impotency problems. However, many people don’t realize that not all ED pills are the same.

When the first ED pill Viagra was still in its testing phase, the studies were only looking for improvements in erection. In this sense, Viagra was very effective. However, the studies did not calculate how many men were actually able to have successful penetration because of Viagra. Thus, Viagra does not necessarily mean better sexual satisfaction. Many of the men who had “success” with Viagra weren’t actually able to have sex. When Cialis was being tested though, scientists took a very different approach.

Instead of just testing Cialis for improvement in erection, the studies looked for whether or not the men were able to have successful penetration. So, the “success” rates of Cialis mean something very different than with Viagra. Most men taking Cialis are able to have sex and also climax. Cialis also shortens the time between erections, making it possible to have sex more than once in an evening. Since Cialis is also effective for about 36 hours, many men are able to successfully have sex the next day as well.
 Study Shows Cialis Improves Couple Satisfaction

Having satisfaction during sex isn’t just a matter of being able to physically perform the act though. For men who have had ED for long periods of time, getting “back into the game” can be intimidating. They often fear that their penis may not become erect when the time is right, even with the ED medication. These psychological factors can greatly impede enjoyment during sex for both partners.

What is interesting is that couples report increasingly better sexual satisfaction with Cialis. The first time a couple uses Ciails, they may have not have significant satisfaction. However, as they continue to use the medicine to aid in sexual activity, their levels of satisfaction increase. This is no doubt due to the fact that the ED fears wear off once couples realize how effective Cialis can be. The stronger, longer-lasting erections from Cialis can also improve penis health because more blood is being brought to the penile cells. So, ED pills like Ciails can really improve sexual satisfaction on both a physical and psychological level.