Testosterone is the male sex hormone responsible for bestowing functions like muscular body, greater bone density, deep voice, hairy bodies, increased sweat glands, sexual prowess and aggression. In short, testosterone is responsible for making them men. Testosterone levels rise at puberty and grant men their secondary sexual characteristics. However, due to various reasons, young men fall short of testosterone, leading to impotence.
Impotence causes failure to reproduce. While this may be embarrassing for men, more and more men are opening up to this problem. There are a number of reasons for this such as obesity, hormonal disturbances, infections, very high iron levels, congenital problems like the Klinefelter syndrome and Kallmann syndrome or mechanical damage to the testes. Use of anabolic steroids also causes decline in testosterone levels.
Apart from diminished libido, lack of testosterone also causes erectile dysfunction, mental fog, depression, loss of muscle mass, increase in abdominal fat, osteoporosis and insomnia.
There are many treatments for this hormonal deficit. Some of them are intramuscular injections, scrotal and back patches, and oral pills. The Fsc Horny Goats Weed Herbal Complex is a very effective supplement that helps raise testosterone levels naturally and safely. It is proven to boost muscle growth, libido and manly aggression. This supplement is free from gluten, milk, yeast, sodium, artificial colors or preservatives and also fit for vegetarians. Many people testify to the fact that it is a superb libido enhancer pill.