As any other medication, Viagra has its side-effects as well. Many people skip this information as not so relevant, but it is, in fact, relevant. Although most of the patients do not experience any side-effects, it is quite useful to know what just might happen after taking a pill, so as to be in control of the situation if any undesired consequence follows.
Some general side-effects that usually occur are dizziness, diarrhea, flushing, headache, heartburn, upset stomach or even stuffy nose. However, there are some more serious effects that it can have on your body.
Regarding your vascular system and heart, it can cause the rhythm of you heart to increase, which is usually followed by heavy pounding. And if you had any alcohol previous to the intercourse, the feeling gets stronger. So, in case you notice that your heart beats unusually fast in moments like this, you should stop and relax, and let your body calm down, for if you continue straining your body and your vascular system, consequences can eve be fatal.
As regards your nervous system, some slightly serious side-effects can be depression, decreased reflexes, sleeplessness, anxiety, loss of sensors… However, temporary memory loss ad seizures are the most severe ones. You might want to inform your partner about this, in order that they can help you in a proper way and that they be less distressed.
When it comes to the respiratory system, the only more serious problem that can occur is asthma, but it is only temporarily, and with no serious consequences. Anyway, you should inform your doctor about it, because maybe the dosage is not right for you.
As for the digestive system, the side-effects are not so sever, but they are rather disturbing since they can be painful and very uncomfortable. Some of these are bleeding in the rectum, abdominal pain, gastritis, and infection of the tongue. The smartest thing to do is not panic, and get to the doctor’s as soon as possible.
Viagra can have side-effects on your muscular system also. What’s more, it can cause pain in your bones or even arthritis. Muscle weakness and rupture of tendon are also included.
Some of the not so serious consequences that it can have on your argental system are urinary tract infections, inability to achieve orgasm, or even breast enlargement. However, the one that can most detrimental to your health is long and painful erection that can last even 4-6 hours. In case this happens, you should instantly look for help either from your doctor or from the nearest medical institution.
Nevertheless, although all these side-effects really sound terrifying, you should not be upset since they only occur in 2.5% of patients and most of them do not fall into the category of the severe ones.
Of course, Viagra has positive effects apart from the immediate enhancement. In fact, thanks to your subconscious, you will become more self-confident and in time maybe even reach a natural erection not having to use any pills.